Farsem offer you a sending posts platform to your Facebook groups. Strong of it experience in the field, Farsem care of the mass routing of your publication / adverts in an optimized way and with respect of the Facebook anti SPAM rules.
We organize musical events throughout the year, and Farsem has been for us the revolution.
We publish events in groups located around our shows, and succeed, thanks to Farsem, to fill the halls.
The customer service is always nice to advice us, and operate in record times.
We work with Farsem to find partners and employees interested by our different offers.
We publish on 200 groups daily, and find the right profiles to our expectations in the different regions in which we operate.
With Farsem, I send my posts on my 30 groups linked to my region and my activity, 2 to 3 times a day.
I target 870 000 members, and it send more than 2 000 posts a month.
I quickly made my Farsem credits profitable, and it’s today an essential marketing tool for me.
Please fill in the contact form in order to be contacted by an agent.
He will be happy to explain the Farsem operation, and also assist you on the many possibilities offered by our solution.